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The Scandi promises us the moon !

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

It is in this pretty sunny day that we have just discovered the premiere of the new title of The Scandi "Lune Promise".

A song in the image of The Scandi, light, full of hope and a beautiful message in these times of trouble and doubts. We feel their desire to make us positive with them and that, that is good! An official music video shot in studio session, very beautiful images where their joy of playing appears with beauty and softness.

The watchword is really hope, to look at the moon, to dream of renewal, to rise, to believe in the moon, in our promises, to fight the faith in banner, that when we wish it, we win and this moon... To get it! Thank you for this little ray of sunshine in a sky that has been darkened for some time all around the Earth!

To consume without moderation, something to smile, dream, be positive and smile!

Go discover this single without waiting!

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