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'Vision', new title of Holy Kidd featuring Saru2S !

It is on January 28th, 2023 that Saru2S and Holy Kidd release the track 'Vision', a track that goes in fast RAP to prove the talent of each rap singer.

Holy Kidd and Saru2S, far from a first collaboration

Indeed, a few months ago, we told you about the release of the first EP of Saru2S, on which you can find 'Shonen Stars', with Holy Kidd in featuring, as well as Cookiesan, Nhox, Zoro l'Frérot and Negrito Senpai.

'Vision', a track to prove their talent

With this track, Holy Kidd and Saru2S show their talent in writing and in RAP, through the rhymes and the speed of the track. Ready to face anyone who gets in their way, it's almost a call to compete to prove what we already know about them : their talent.

These two rappers have both built a real community and proved themselves through their EPs and Saru's numerous performances that can be found on the networks. But that's not enough for them and they are ready to show their fangs to climb to the top; and we are waiting for that !

This time, Saru2S raps on a production of Torpeur Beats and not Nerod, which is quite unusual for the young rapper but it did not prevent him from giving his all and providing us a freestyle as well written as rapped.

You can find this track on all plateforms and watch the lyrics video on YouTube where you'll see a beautiful artwork by DanDrawOf !

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